Monday, February 13, 2012

Text for Editing Practice

A   In my opinion, I am agreement on music therapy is a good method for health. For instance, I have heard that doctor often advices people to hear some gentler music to keep gently. That makes a good environment to help people to ease anxiety, and helps sick cure quick.

: In my opinion, I agree that music therapy is a good method for health. For instance, I have heard that a doctor often advise people to listen to some gentler music to keep gently. That is because it keeps them calm. This makes a good environment to help people with easing anxiety, and helping cure sicknesses quicker.

B  In conclusion, we can get different messages from the music. For instance, when we feel the stress of getting too much work to deal with, we can use the music to relax ourselves. On the other hand, we can also use music to keep our bodies to stay healthy. To me, music is a magic tool to help us managing our mind.

: In conclusion, we can get different messages from the music. For instance, when we feel the stress of getting too much work to deal with, we can use the music for relax. On the other hand, we can also use music to keep our bodies to stay healthy. In my case, music is a magic tool for managing our mind.
C  Music has many powerful ways to effects our body and mind. It relaxes our body and prevents the harmful effects of chronic stress. Now, we can think about music therapy and other benefits of it without wondering, and believe that music is a good tool for health.
   : Music has many powerful ways to effects our bodies and mind. It relaxes our bodies and prevents the harmful effects of chronic stress. Now, we can think about music therapy and other benefits of it without wondering. Therefore, I believe that music is a good tool for health.

Bp#9- Reflection on HELA

      If my tissue and cells remove because of research without my agreement, I might be retroactively compensated. But, on the other hand, if my tissue and cells make greater good of humanity, I will do my best. I think ‘medical research’ it sounds likes strange and makes me afraid but I will consider working with them. That is because I believe that the research would give many advantages.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

BP #8 going green again~

Do you think that people in your home country think about going green as much as Americans do?

           I think most American is not doing as much as they think environment. It is just my view. ^^ that is because, every day, American let out that we have to take care environment, our place, nature. However, I do not think that they are not enough think for take care it. Even they do not doing something, I think. When I arrived first time, I was really shocked. Because, in our country, we always say that we have to follow the example of America. I think even America work hard for take care environment, but if nations do not well and not follow the intention of the deceased, I cannot say American is working hard for take care environment.
I think most Koreans think about going green as much as Americans do. We already do a lot of things. For example, we do very well recycling, and we have to use officially approved vinyl trash bag when we throw trash. And when people finish smoking they usually throw cigar, gum whenever they want. But we do not do it because if someone does, it they pay penalty a lot. Also, most Korean participated to reduce carbon footprint. In summer, we maintain temperature at a reasonable level. When we turn air-conditioner, we have to set 26'c
Also, we have automobile day system. Because of drives the automobile and the contamination of the atmosphere in order for the people who comes and goes to be many, so this automobile day system reduce air pollution. This automobile day system attaches and the electronic tag only the vehicle which observes a fortune holiday will be able to use government. To intrinsic value time the automobile the rest needs. Air and clearly, traffic difficulty it is solved and, until oil price anxiety the passenger car day system to take, Seoul to be clearer it is a short cut which it does cleanly. Besides, we do many other things. So I think, Korean is as much as think environment.

Monday, January 23, 2012

BP #5 - mini essay on one of the articles.

;sustainable restaurants
 :What do you think about sustainable restaurants. Should more restaurants follow their ways? Do you think it is possible for more restaurants to use more sustainable practices? Why or why not?

Everyone already knows about that eating organic food is better for our health and the environment. As a result, every year, the many people and company start to create new business or restaurant with organic food. First, I am going to research what organic food is. Organic food is that producing, using methods with non-pesticides and non-chemical fertilizers and so on. Research says that if people are using place for eating and buying foods, it will be much health than before. Eating organic food can also save money and keep health so it will be better idea.  Nowadays, organic restaurant open everyday and people like to go and eat with their time. It is getting tremendous popularity and hit in the world. 


Friday, January 13, 2012

BP#4- Going green

       Every year, global warming is one of biggest problems. What will be the good solution for getting hearth the earth? Some of state and city do going green project. They believe that it would help the earth. Also I think going green is not only for the Earth. That is because you can also save money. For example, when I shop and go grocery store, I try to use my own canvas sacks and carry them. Many people think that going green means we have to change everything about our lifestyle. However, I think a few small changes to make to go green. ‘Going green’ is not only for the earth and not choice. Doing some small things may not be the perfect solution, but it is a solution.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

bp#3 Mini Research on HeLa themes

: Segregation  African-Americans and Americans 
      Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, African Americans challenged segregation across the land. In Tallahassee, African Americans mounted a successful campaign to end segregated seating on city buses. The Reverend C. K. Steele, leader of the Tallahassee boycott, later became an officer of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the premier civil rights organization of the 1960s.

man in bus
In 1964, the SCLC supported efforts by St. Augustine blacks to desegregate public accommodations and municipal beaches. The involvement of SCLC and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in demonstrations in St. Augustine drew national attention to the civil rights movement while Congress was considering the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many sessions of SCLC's Citizen Education Program, devoted to citizenship and leadership training for southern blacks, took place at Dorchester Academy in Liberty County, Georgia. In Savannah, a strong local movement fought for civil rights without significant outside help.

  1940' : The 1940's were dominated by World War II. European artists and intellectuals fled to the United States from Hitler and the Holocaust, bringing new ideas created in disillusionment. War production pulled us out of the Great Depression. Women were needed to replace men who had gone off to war, and so the first great exodus of women from the home to the workplace began. Rationing affected the food we ate, the clothes we wore, the toys with which children played.
After the war, the men returned, having seen the rest of the world. No longer was the family farm an ideal; no longer would blacks accept lesser status. The GI Bill allowed more men than ever before to get a college education. Women had to give up their jobs to the returning men, but they had tasted independence.

 1950' : The end of World War II brought thousands of young servicemen back to America to pick up their lives and start new families in new homes with new jobs. With an energy never before experienced, American industry expanded to meet peacetime needs. Americans began buying goods not available during the war, which created corporate expansion and jobs.  Growth everywhere.  The baby boom was underway...

The purpose of this web and library guide is to help the user gain a broad understanding and appreciation for the culture and history of the fabulous fifties (1950s).   In a very small way, this is a bibliographic essay.  While there is no way we can link to everything, we have attempted to find areas of special interest and to select information that we hold dear today - movies we watch, songs we sing, events that move us, people we admire.

work with.....

bp#2 - Taking advantage of someone

...When people do not feel well and unsafe with something trouble , we often ask who can help in the problem. 
Its a common situation and all the time, we depend someone. As a result, sometimes it makes more problems.^^
 We know that don't depend on other, however, we could't do it. People always lend and ask for help..